Owner/Client: Mount Rainier, MD
The project involved several phases accomplished over a period of approximately 3 years: a) Existing building condition assessments; b) Assisting client in identifying and compiling preliminary space needs and preparing subsequent programming and feasibility studies for re-use of and/or purchase of adjacent buildings. This portion of the project was intended to identify appropriate existing buildings and/or design of new buildings for the municipal building, the police station and various supporting services and agencies and also involved analysis of the existing, adjacent library building for re-use; c) Public design meetings to solicit input, d) Preliminary design of exterior plaza area adjacent to WMATA bus turn-arounds and coordination of this design with MNCPPC (Planning); and e) For the selected town hall municipal building, preparation of complete AE design phase and construction phase drawings as well as full service CA phase site visits and architectural project management, including payment applications, etc.