The owners of a Fairfax, Virginia existing, single-family dwelling desired to have the existing deck at the rear of their house enlarged, screened-in and provided with a roof. To that end, demolition requires only that the existing guardrails and steps be removed. The existing deck of approximately 167 SF will be extended outward away from the house to increase the deck area to 236 SF; the newer portion supported by three new concrete footings and posts. A new lower deck will be added to one side and across the end of the enlarged deck. A roof will be added to the upper deck with one eave extending over part of the new, lower side deck. An infill roof cricket will be added over the new roof at the inside corner of house and rear bump-out. New guardrails, screen door and insect screening will be added at the columns supporting the roof. New steps will be added connecting the upper deck, with the lower deck and grade.